Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I got an email from Building Lasting Success that I want to share with my Team


Dennis people are simply no longer willing to accept working for someone else at a job and being paid what their employer determines they are worth. Working for someone else for 30 to 40 years and then retiring with barely enough income to survive is no longer being tolerated.

IIndividuals (and society in general) are becoming much more educated and are now realizing that they have a choice. They have an alternative to a better quality of life. That "choice" is to get started in a part-time home business, in the network marketing industry. There are currently over 70 million home business owners (worldwide) and the growth rate continues to climb.

There are obviously many reasons for starting a home business. From being your own boss to building your own dream instead of someone else's. But, the two "primary" reasons are:

More Time & More Money

The achievement of an improved quality of life is the sole driving force of one of the most amazing industries in the world. Two of the key components that assist us in improving our lifestyle are more time and more money.

The time and resources to truly enjoy life! To spend time with those you care most about. Having "time freedom" is really the ability to do what you want to do - when you want to do it. What an amazing feeling!

The ability to create the lifestyle you have dreamed about. To have the ability to purchase a nicer car, a nicer home or take an extra vacation each year. Having more money provides "options" that would otherwise not be available.

This vehicle we call network marketing is the single greatest industry in the world today! Once people truly understand "what" it is and "what" it is not and "what" it can do for their quality of life, they simply cannot move quickly enough to get started!

What most of us didn't learn in school…

This is a 75 year old time-proven industry that has produced more millionaires than any other industry. The business model is amazingly simple. And the best part? Everyone is qualified to excel in this industry regardless of age, education, background or experience.

Network marketing is simply sharing information with others about a product or service you believe in and then teaching them to do exactly the same. That's it! It is working together with other people to ensure the success of all - not the individual.

Let's go a little deeper…

Moreover, this industry provides a channel of distribution for companies with innovative or distinctive products not readily available in traditional retail stores, or who cannot afford to compete with the enormous advertising and promotion costs associated with gaining space on retail shelves. Network marketing enhances the retail distribution infrastructure of the economy, and provides consumers with a convenient source of quality products.

Let's use an example to clarify. Think of any company that comes to mind. Typically, this company will probably have a CEO, president, some vice presidents, middle management and employees. Now, who makes the most money in our example? The CEO, right?

All the employees and middle management work very hard, but the people at the top benefit. The money flows "up" to the top. This is what most people are used to in just about any company with any job.

However, our wonderful industry is very different. Everyone has an equal opportunity to earn as much as they want. You are not working for someone else because you are your own boss. The playing field is completely level and fair for everyone. It is the industry that allows your dreams to come true!

Furthermore, here's a big twist from what you are probably accustomed to. In any company, do the people at the top help the people at the bottom try to reach the top? Typically not! However, in network marketing it is to your benefit to help people who are new reach the top - or at least work their way up. The financial benefits are tremendous for all concerned. Specifically, you are paid to help others become more successful.

How cool is that?

Helping other people be successful actually helps you be more successful! What a concept!

Now, let's clear up a few myths and some confusion…

Pyramids, ponzi's and chain letters have absolutely no connection to our great industry of network marketing. They are unethical and generally illegal.

Network marketing is not only legitimate, but the concept is the underlying foundation of just about every company in the world. That is…

Getting products, services or information out to the consumer and generating a profit.

However, in our Industry, "you" are the recipient of those profits, instead of the owners and upper management. Such an amazing industry…we are blessed to be a part of it.
